+977 980 895 7878

Sun-Fri 10am to 5pm
Sat Closed

Every year Reformed Church of Nepal ministries hosts and sponsors pastor seminars and conferences, forums and other training initiatives for native pastors around the country. Over 90% of pastors in the nation of Nepal will never have the chance to attend Bible College and seminary or formal bible training. Many are in desperate need of encouragement. Reformed church of Nepal ministry training events are agents or catalysts for church planting, discipleship and indigenous transformational efforts. Reformed church of Nepal ministries provides national pastors and church leaders with a vision in their hearts and tools in their hands for the preaching and teaching of the gospel nationwide.

Reformed church has trained hundreds of hundreds of pastors and church leaders since 1988. RCN initiatives include specific programs impacting the Nepal and, northeast India as well. From the local church of Kathmandu valley to the villages of mountains, valleys and in lowland area from east to west and from north to south of the country of Nepal: how god is helping and answering prayers in Nepal.

Dear friends and partners, thank you so much for helping to proclaim and excel the gospel message around the country and the world! One of the ways we are empowering frontline Christian leaders and pastors to fulfill the great commission is through our Esther initiative. Please take a couple of minutes to read this encouraging update from Pastor Ram.

Pastors who have passion and driven for the vision brings healthy affect societal health in the nation and god is at work in the marketplace of developing nation god is raising up a new generation of entrepreneurs and business professionals, Throughout the country, to be a force for building the kingdom and fighting poverty and to create economic support and to be sustainable for the church.

The Esther initiative breaks ground in Nepal; god has lit a fire in the hearts of frontline leaders who are taking the living bread and the living water of life into dark places of all districts and mountain villages around the country. But they are often weary and ill-equipped for the task. RCN is coming alongside these leaders to light the villages, cities and the nation and in neighboring countries of Nepal as well.

Planting the churches in Nepal, empowering, inspiring, and encouraging frontline leaders and pastors in order to bring national transformation and impact the nation with the gospel of Jesus Christ (2 Tim 2:2-3 verses). Off a dusty road in Nepal near the Himalayan mountains range, our pastoral ministry team organized 300 pastors and leaders, both men and women, for training. These indigenous leaders from multiple districts traveled for days to receive training and encouragement for church planting and raising modern day leaders like Ezra and Nehemiah, whom we find in the bible.
Together for the Lord Jesus Christ and for His church.