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The country of Nepal is inside the 10/40 window is located from 10 degrees south to 40 degrees north of the equator. There are 69 nations across northern Africa, the Middle East and central Asia in the 10/40 window. Nearly 4 billion people live here, including 90 percent of the world’s poorest of the poor. It is estimated that 1.6 billion of these people have never had the chance to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ – not even once! The seat of every major non-Christian religion – Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, animism, atheism, and Sikhism – is headquartered in the 10/40 window. Two-thirds of the world’s populations (4 billion) live in the 68 nations of the 10/40 window.
The 10/40 Window
  1. Two-thirds of the world’s population — 4 billion people — live in the 10/40 window.
  2.  95% of these 4 billion people are unevangelized.
  3. 87% are the poorest of the poor, living on an average of only $250 per family annually.
  4. In many of the 69 nations, witnessing the Christian gospel is illegal and will result in imprisonment or death.
  5. 45 of the 50 worst countries in the world for persecution of Christians are in the 10/40 window.
  6. Child prostitution and child slavery run rampant in many of these nations.
  7. Though the needs are both and desperate and urgent, only 5¢ out of every $100 spent on missions globally is directed toward the 10/40 window.That’s 0.0005% of all missions money designated to bring the gospel to 66%   of the world’s population!

Reformed Church of Nepal ministry is endeavoring to reach those people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, make disciples and plant churches in many big cities in the nation of Nepal and in Nepalese diaspora.  from 10/40 window countries who are from pagan religious and cultural background. Please join with us in prayer and partner with us.

None of this would be possible without you. You’re prayers, your support, and your encouragements keep us going. We mean that sincerely. Your prayerful consideration and giving will carry us forward into the year in future. Thank you for all you do. It means more than these words can express and appreciate you. Please visit our website: www.reformedchurchofnepal.org and you can donate through PayPal  secure payment system.

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